Remove top panel (three screws). This panel has three switches (at least on a 2003 coach) plus a 110v plug, and a plug for cable TV and a phone line. The switch wires are easy to remove and the rest can be removed without a lot of effort. To get this panel out you may need to remove the faucet spout and the hot water handle. The panel can pivot at the right back corner. Pull the left corner out and then once the faucet is cleared, it can be removed.
Remove the bottom panel (four screws on the bottom). It also has connections to the faucet and the black tank flush. Once everything is disconnected, the panel can be pulled up and removed. The area around the sewer outlet is rubber with a split on the bottom. This panel is a pain to take out, but you can not reach the rear bolts on the valves without taking it out.