A few years ago at an FMCA Seminar on Allison, and in the Q&A session, I learned following
My conclusion and current practice is to use 200 degrees (sump) as a “Yellow” or “caution” zone and 250 degrees is my “Red Light” limit where I pull over and high-idle in Neutral until the temp is down. Being conservative, chicken and slow on a mountain down-hill, we have toured the Rockies about 5 times over the years and I have never seen 250 degrees.
Parenthetical anecdote: our first coach was a 1988 U-280 with no retarder and I worried about transmission temps because, in Colorado, it wasn't unusual to hit 250 degrees and I would back off. Met an RV'er in a park who had been a Fire Truck salesman for 20 years. and he scoffed at my concern. He said that at a fire, pumpers were “locked” at wide-open throttle for 8 hour at a time and were always at 250 degrees in the transmission (Allison 4-speed).