The Suspa Gas props on the upper cabinet doors, over time, lose their ability to hold the doors open. I shopped around for pricing, including at Amazon, and Ebay, and found the best price by far was direct from Foretravel. At the time they sold them for to me for $12 each, including shipping. You can buy directly from Suspa, but without the power of bulk pricing, they are several times the price of FOT.
Be sure to install them with the rod end down. It keeps the seal lubricated and they hold nitrogen much longer that way.
If you use another source, you need to be careful with the pressure of the struts. One vendor was selling some that turned out to be higher pressure than needed or labeled - caused more than one member's cabinet to be damaged. The PSI and stroke need to be matched as closely as possible to the ones that came in your coach to avoid damage and provide a smooth closing action.
Two other sources that have been mentioned in the past are: