Transfer Switch Brand by Year

Year Manufacturer Model
1979-1980 Progressive Dynamics PD-30
1981-Mid 87 Progressive Dynamics PD-30
Mid 1987 -Mid 1994 Todd Engineering PS-250
Mid 1994-Mid 2001 MagneTek ATS-100
MagneTek ceased production on the model ATS100 around the end of 2000. Parts were not offered by MagneTek for the model ATS100 even when it was in production by them. The ATS-100 can be electrically replaced by the ATS-501 however there is a physical size difference as the ATS501 is larger.
Mid 2001-2002 Dyna Gen RV-604
Mid 2002 thru 2005 Maverick Technologies MTS-20k
2006-2008 Automated Eng. Corp ESP-10040A
2013-201(4-?) AES M10040A
2019 - Current Surge Guard ATS 41390 RVC / 40350 RVC1

AEC's Recreational Vehicle product line was acquired by TRC (Surge Guard) in 2006, The specific years for AEC brand model/names end is not known. If you have information on this, such as your model year and shipped transfer switch, please post on so the wiki can be updated. todo box

Further Details

Some owners manuals are available here: ATS and Surge Protection

Up to the mid-02 the transfer control boxes were built without any type of protection from voltage spikes, over/under voltage or any type surge from bad ac power from the campground power pedestal.

The Maverick transfer box installed in mid 02 coaches provides over/under voltage protection from shoreline power only with a surge protection device mounted on the side of the box. If you look at the box you will see two lights indicating power is connected to your coach, this small box is the surge protector. One word of caution, do not remove the cover of this small box thinking something is wrong with power or you think one of the lights are out. This surge protection device is filled with a sand type substance to absorb the power if the unit were to fail due to a high voltage spike or power surge. The transfer box is calibrated at the factory to protect from over/under voltage in the range of 100v to 133v AC.

The 06 to present transfer box is an automated electrical control system with electrical system protection (ESP). This control box is a line/generator switch, load manager and surge protection for generator and shoreline power and is capable of line diagnostics. The ESP monitors polarity, phase and voltage level readings between 102v to 135v ac. These readings are used to switch to utility power or generator power. Surge protection is on the input lines as well as the load lines and protects the coach with maximum coverage.