1988 thru 2005 Unibody Module/Subassembly (bulkhead) Inspection

This letter intends to clarify the process for properly inspecting the attachment points of the subassembly (sub floor) and the rear or front module of the Unihome or Unicoach chassis. The conditions addressed in this letter could pertain to year model coaches 1988 through 2005.

Remember, it is prudent maintenance practice to inspect all year model coaches on a regular basis as specified in your maintenance manual. There has been a very low incident rate of coaches that have required repairs in year models 1988 through 2005. This condition can be caused by environmental conditions such as; road salts, excessive moisture, standing water, improper towing or overloading above rated capacities, damages from improper towing or lifting practices, high centering or hitting objects large enough to damage the substructure.

Keep in mind that your coach may look slightly different than the pictures below depending on your make and model.

To inspect you will need to be able to look at the sub floor front and rear from underneath. (See Picture 1)

Inspect front and rear areas for any indication of separation of the transition seam from the front and rear module assembly to the sub floor assembly. (See Pictures 2, 3)

If there is no evidence of rust, separation or missing fasteners, you will want to continue to inspect this along with your regular periodic chassis inspections at least annually or before and after extended trips.

If there is evidence of rust, seam separation or missing fasteners, it is recommended to schedule a service appointment with us here in Nacogdoches or a trusted service facility of your choosing.

A condition as described above does not prevent continued use of your coach until repairs can be made.