AquaHot Basic Operation

  1. Turn the AquaHot on with the switches under the counter near the kitchen sink. The diesel switch, the electric switch or both turn on the AH
  2. Set the room temperature with the thermostat on the wall by the driver's seat. Set the Mode to “furnace”
  3. Set the bathroom heat with the thermostat in the bathroom. That allows heating just the bathroom if someone wants it warmer in there while bathing
  4. Set the bay heat with a thermostat in the bay. It sets the temperature at which the AquaHot will come on to keep the bay areas from freezing. The recommended setting is 40 degrees.
  5. The bathroom thermostat controls heat in the bathroom only. The basement thermostat controls heat in the basement only. The same coolant loop supplied by pump 2 goes to the bathroom fan coil and to the basement fan coil. So if either the bathroom or basement thermostat calls for heat, pump 2 supplies hot coolant to both fan coils. ONLY the fan of the thermostat calling for heat turns on - not both fans. With the bathroom thermostat set to as low a temp as is possible or even disconnected, the basement thermostat can turn on pump 2 and the basement fan.
  6. The electric mode alone will provide warm water for washing hands and warming the coach in mild temperatures, such as 50+ degrees. You must be The connected to shore or generator power.
  7. The electric plus the diesel or diesel alone provides higher heat, such as for a shower and room heat in colder weather. (The diesel furnace in the AquaHot provides ten times the heat as the electric heating element.)
  8. The Engine Heat switch can be used to heat the engine prior to cranking in cold weather. Heating takes several hours. To operate, run the AquaHot on diesel, turn on the Engine Heat switch. After cranking, turn off the Engine Heat switch to drive, otherwise the engine radiator will have the extra heat from the AH to dissipate.
  9. Generally do not use AquaHot diesel or electric (turn switches off) when driving. The engine will provide the AH with warm heat. (To shower and drive, or need coach or bay heat in very cold weather while driving, you would need the diesel AquaHot power!) Electrical alone however is very warm and lasts a long time.
  10. The AquaHot will cycle, if you have it on, turning off and on the diesel as it needs to maintain the proper AquaHot fluid heat. The electric can be on to help supplement the heat and preserve some diesel.
  11. The heat pump separate of the AquaHot , on the thermostat MODE, can be used if there is a 110v supply (shore power or generator). This could be an option to conserve diesel. There will be no hot water without the AquaHot.
  12. Cycle the AquaHot at least once per month on diesel, letting it get to full temp (about 180 degrees). This is similar to “exercising” the generator monthly.
  13. The diesel fuel to the AquaHot is the same supply as to the engine. There is a safety mechanism to prevent using the diesel below a set level, about ¼ tank, however the tank should be kept well above that before parking and running the AquaHot for many days.